Sunday 29 November 2015

Bubble wrapped memories

I’m sitting on my couch with bubble wrap in one hand and a mosquito bat in the other. ‘POP’- the electrically fried mosquitos irk to this hemispherical plastic destruction. But this is nirvana to my ears, each bubble is a face I cant remember, they are those places that fade away like a mirage, they are the flickering memories that come and go.

I can sense a mosquito halo around my head and as the halo breaks into a single grey little malaria causing clump in front of my face, I can see a young man whose been staring at me from the other corner with dark circled bags full of remorse under his eyes. ‘MOM’ he says with a stern 25ish tone. I smile back at this face that was very similar to someone’s I once fell in love with.In this case his father’s probably But what was his name damn it? 

‘POP’ today I just love bubble wrap I think I always have. I love how it’s filled with just air; just imagine if there was water inside them. I hate water it reminds me of the tears these strangers shed in front of me, the sympathy that I get for this disease I have.The disease I cant remember the disease that doesn’t let me remember.

Mom do you want me to read to you tonight? My supposedly son asks me. Stranger or son I don’t think I’m programmed to say no to Maya Angelou. He reads the one ‘on ageing’-
‘But aint I lucky I can still breathe in’ we both end in unison.Now my bubble wrap is wet. I told you, I hate this salty fluid rolling down my face.
’Can I give you a hug mom?’ I nodded yes. Strangely it felt like something I knew, something I remembered, and something so pure. And ‘POP ‘ went the last one on the sheet.

Wednesday 23 September 2015

Sticky coffee fingers

'She kept looking inside the empty cup. Small puddles of coffee remaining here and there. Like the storm had passed. The longer she looked the deeper she thought about them. She put her fingers in, cleaned the cup but dirtied her fingers. You'll have to get your hands dirty if you look deep. Like life.'